Oh My Omnissiah! Some Adeptus Mechanicus Miniature Painting

Sometimes we get asked to work on a color scheme or style which rather stands out in my mind. That happened here with these Adeptus Mechanicus miniatures; the weathering was different from how we would normally do it, and I think it worked well with the Mars tones.

I'm going to use this on my own miniatures: I think I will try it on Necromunda Goliaths.

These miniatures were painted at all three of our quality levels.

Painted figs is a commission miniature painting service. You can send us your figurines to paint, and we also have painted miniatures for sale. We paint mainly Games Workshop (Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Bloodbowl, and so on), Star Wars, Wamachine and Hordes, and pretty much every Kickstarter and board game under the sun.

And we do so, at the lowest rates on Earth (we've checked).

Some Painted Dark Elves / Daughters of Khaine

So we painted some Daughters of Khaine not too long ago. They’re quite a fiddly army, but less for the miniature painting than the assembly. You have to be careful or you’ll end up with a lot of gaps and ill-fitting heads.

These have excellent fleshtone sculpting but that can catch you off guard when you get to the washing and shading (especially on the WItch Aelves / Elves especially).

These were painted to Showcase quality.

Dungeons & Dragons painted figures

Dwarves, Elves, Barbarians, Rangers, Wizards, Paladins, Tolls, Orcs and Demons are all fantastical creatures but what is Dungeons and Dragons without the Dragons?

Here are some beautiful pieces brought to life by our talented miniature painters.

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GW's New Slaanesh Daemons, Painted

A long-time client sent us these awesome Slaanesh Daemon figs recently. I’m very pleased with the care and thought GW put into the new sculpts. The Keeper of Secrets / Shalaxi Helbane even walks like a runway model.

These were painted to Standard quality.

Some 40k Grey Knights, the Best We can Paint Them

We did a recent Inquisition Grey Knights order, just a few miniatures but done to our highest level, which is Exhibition Quality. For these that came to $10 per figure.

You will love HATE.

We recently did a some of CMON’s “Hate” miniatures, based on the Adrian Smith comics. I’ve seen a lot of crazy minis in this job, but I haven’t seen anything like these in a long time.

CMON Hate Miniature Painting Chronicles of Hate Adrian Smith (1).JPG
CMON Hate Miniature Painting Chronicles of Hate Adrian Smith (3).JPG


Normally we split large orders across several painters, to reduce the risk (and impact) of delays. Here however, Vasanth decided it would better if we gave the whole lot to one painter, who has a knack for, well, insane figures. It was a good call: the look and feel are more consistent, and because he could get used to the sculpting style, Sadeep, the painter, got faster towards the end.

For more pictures please visit our gallery

Paintedfigs.com paints wargame, board game, and RPG minis. If you have any minis you may be considering for some painting, feel free to pop us an email.


New Site!

So we set up a new page for our miniature painting service. This is because: 

- Google is ending the Picasa gallery system (where we have thousands of galleries)

- To improve our Google rank ("Figs" is unfortunately not what people Google when they want "miniature painting." 

- Squarespace gives us some nice tools to play around with. 

We're still doing business under Paintedfigs.com, but increasingly this will be our portal. 
