Thomas Gallion - Lord of the Rings
Elizabeth Brooke Phipps - Lord of the Rings
Catherine Kohler - Lord of the Rings, 2022
Patrick Donnelly - Lord of the Rings
Gregg Ford - Lord of the Rings
Jacob Lewis - Lord of the Rings
Scott Graham - Lord of the Rings
Harris Hostager - Lord of the Rings
Catherine Kohler - Lord of the Rings
Jordi Covas - Lord of the Rings
Scott Graham - Lord of the Rings
Jordi Covas - LOTR: Journeys Into Middle Earth
Chuck Lietz - Lord of the Rings: Journeys In Middle Earth
Kasim Shake - The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth
Brian Jacobs - LOTR: War of the Rings ™ and Battle of the Five Armies ™
Michael Szymaszek - Lord of the Rings
Scott Graham - Warriors of Rohan, Minas Tirith and Warriors of Númenor