A Star Wars Legion Miniature Painting Commission

Star Wars Legion Miniature Painting Service Imperial Assault Fantasy Flight Games (1).JPG

Very pleased with how these Star Wars Legion miniatures came out. We were sent these figurines to paint, recently. I prefer the Star Wars Legion sculpts to the Imperial Assault ones - they are bigger, chunkier, and (generally) more impressive on the board.

Star Wars Legion miniature painting commissions seem to go through waves, usually around Disney’s marketing pushes for the movies. Can’t say I enjoyed the last one but we’re all enjoying the Mandalorian.

And my wife won’t shut up about Baby Yoda.

Wife: “Baby Yoda! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Me: “You know that can’t be Yoda, right?”

This cycle repeats several times an episode.

This miniature painting commission was done at Showcase and Exhibition quality. .

Painted figs is a commission miniature painting service. You can send us your figurines to paint, and we also have painted miniatures for sale. We mostly focus on painting 28mm miniatures.