Standard infantry from $5.54 per figure
Try Standard quality. Standard is basecoating, washing, and drybrushing (and basing is free). It is everything you need to get minis that look like their box art, on your gaming table.
Infantry miniatures are (generally) painted from as $5.54 per figure. Simpler infantry (Night Goblins, Skeletons), are lower at $4.16 per figure. More advanced infantry start at $6.93 (going as high as $13.86, depending on complexity), at standard quality.
Space Orks Grot, $4.16
Eldar Guardian, $5.54
Necron Lychguard, $6.93
Space Marine Intercessor, $8.32
standard infantry CHARACTER RATES from $9.01 PER FIGURE
Infantry Character miniatures are (generally) painted from as $9.01 per figure. Most D&D hero miniatures come in at this rate (unless you are getting a single-figure order done; then it’s much more). Bigger or more advanced character figures will come in at $11.09 and even $13.86 at standard quality.
Genestealer Cults Kelermorph, $9.01
Commissar Yarrick, $9.01
Tau Cadre Fireblade, $9.01
Blood Angels Terminator Librarian, $13.86
Saint Celestine, $20.79
Standard VEHICLE RATES from $13.86 per figure
These of course vary based on the vehicle. Some example rates:
Space Marine Outrider, $20.79
Adeptus Mechanicus Onager Dunecrawler, $76.23
Chaos Space Marine Heldrake, $83.16
Grey Knights Nemesis Dreadknight, $41.58
Space Marine Primaris Impulsor, $69.30