I quite enjoy seeing classic Warhammer in the building, especially Orcs and Goblins! You can’t beat them for ridiculous humor and OTT design. All the minis in this order were classic, the orcs alone are over 30 years old. For this job, we weren’t just to paint them but capture that old school, ‘90s look of their era.
We freehand painted the designs on the shields. The green on the basing is Goblin Green - not a reconstructed blend, but the color from an extremely well preserved bottle of Citadel Goblin Green. Note the old school flocking, too.
For the banners we had a bit of fun. There were only paper shield designs for two. For the rest, we got some designs and printed them on to decal paper. After that, we cut sheet metal and mounted the decals on them, painting to blend them in.
These were done to Exhibition Quality.
Shameless tags: miniature painting service, warhammer painting service, warhammer 40k painting service, miniature painting services, miniature painting commission, professional miniature painting, miniatures painting service

Paintedfigs is a commission miniature painting service. You can send us your figurines to paint, and we also have painted miniatures for sale. We paint mainly Games Workshop (Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Bloodbowl, and so on), Star Wars, Warmachine and Hordes, and pretty much every Kickstarter and board game under the sun.
And we do so at the lowest rates on Earth (we’ve checked).